
Release Renew Evolve Program

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $97.00.

Do you ever feel like…?

  • Things are a little off
  • You keep putting your dreams on hold
  • You can’t seem to get ahead, no matter how hard you work
  • Your income stays the same or declines
  • You are stuck in a rut
  • You are on the edge of burn out
  • You lack motivation, energy, and enthusiasm for life

Would you like all that to change?
If so, keep reading!
Don’t worry, there’s hope.



This Powerful Release Technique has been used in Ken D Foster’s Private Practice for 21 Years with Spectacular Results.

The Energetic Clearing Technique™ will.
  • A. Take you through a life review of your subconscious mind.
  • B. Empower you to acknowledge and permanently let go of past negative experiences.
  • C. Show you how to release undesirable emotions instantly.
  • D. Open doors to personal power that has been locked away.
  • E. Uncover your brilliance and allow the real “You” to shine through.

All you have to do is muster up the Courage to say Yes to having a more empowered life. Then, simply block out some time to allow the Energetic Clearing Technique™ to work for you.